Page name: rulers of the world [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-18 08:02:11
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 20
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Ultimate Ruler's [you cant just add ur name here i have to it and by i i mean rit]: [Ritsuka-Kun] & [wolvie] ((woot oh yeah i rule ^^))
2nd in command/weapons fanatic: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Pet 2:
Stable Hand:
Soldier 1:
Soldier 2:
Soldier 3:
Soldier 4:
Soldier 5:
Sub-ruler of EuroAsia:
Sub-ruler of Australia:
Sub-ruler of Antartica:
Sub-ruler of North America:
Sub-ruler of South America:
Sub-ruler of Canada:
Sub-ruler of Africa:
Weapons Specialist:
Interrogation Specialist:
Commercial Handler:
Research Technician: [GlassCasket] (also Grammatical Specialist :D)
Raving Lunatic/Psychological Specialist: [Stephen]

Normal members: For those who dont want a commanding post.

Lowly janitor guy: [Morgoth]

Pick a space but no do not kick others out of there's!

MY BUNNY ARMY! BOW BEFORE IT! (yes you may take a position as a bunny in mai bunny army)

  ... OH NO. 
A hungry wolf came and eated them all.

('')_('') Messed up bunny...seriously

../) /)..
.C(")(") i is sleeping....

/) /)
( . .)
C(")(") Fat Bunny

/) /)
C(")(")<<<<Bling-Bling Bunny

.../) /)...
.( v.v ).
..c(")(")..<<<sad bunny

../) /)..
.C(")(")Bunny on Crack

../) /)..
.C(")(")This is the bunny that saw you naked

../) /)..
.c(")(").<<<i didnt see a thing officer i swear that knife just randomly stabbed him [Ritsuka-Kun] lol well technically not a soldier i be teh ruler of teh world but im still this bunny >:D

../) /)..
.( 'o' ).
.C(")(").<<<bunny who says "I'm Telling Mom!"

../) /)..
C(")(")<<<DEAD BUNNY

../) /)..
.( -.- ).
C(")(")<<annoyed bunny

../) /)..
.C(")(") Happy Bunny

../) /)..
.( . .).
.C(")(") no...i don't want the cookie....i want ur soul

../) /)..
.C(")(") It wasn't me! <-- [wolvie] clearly that's me xD

../) /)..
.c(")(") Dizzy Bunny

( ..)
C(")(")copy him to your profile and help him dominate the world



Mariooo.. is on break for now.


Jewno is the supreme curled up ball of fuzzyness ruler so there :D

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2007-10-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i didnt tell u to do was purely choice...

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: i know. ^_^

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: ah hah, that works. paperwork is boring, but being in charge, thats always cool
*returns to working on sharpening combat knife*

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: *watches and sharpens a scythe*

2007-10-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: wait...when did we get paperwork?...and ur suppose to be punishing [zelvrlilly2525]

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: I am? ok.*puts on a black mask* what kind, how much, and what device? and what for?

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: paperwork is a fact of life...ya have to do it when you are in charge, and thats probably what the scythe is for.

2007-10-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: for mouthing off to me..and what kind, how much, and what device is all up to you

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: get her a backbone so she has comanding presence and people will follow.

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: very well. i shall punish her, my Lady.

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: *watches* I came here to see punishment, wheres the punishment?

2007-10-26 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yay!

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: *is still wating for punishment to happen*

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: She's not here yet.

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: I know, I am impatient though

2007-10-26 [Orochimaru]: me too.

2007-10-26 [A work in progress]: Ah well *waits for her* she better get here soon

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes she should..i'll get her

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: well, it looks like she's here.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes it does

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: *and now waits again*

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: GOD DAMN IT *I'M HERE*!!!!

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: PUNISH ME ALREADY!!!!!

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes but now we must wait for orochimaru....ah he'll get u between 1st class and me

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: so much waiting!!!!

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i knows.....its really too much

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: but i can start sure he wont mind...*takes a whips and lashes zelvrlilly2525 across the back 25 times*

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!  WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR? <img:cr-gif.gif><img:mood21-gif.gif><img:mood7-gif.gif><img:ice-gif.gif><img:ice-gif.gif>

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: tis to build charachter and teach discipline, or some sort of ramling and such.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: just for fun really
just wait til orochimaru gets a hold of u

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: wateva

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *reels back whip to hit again*

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: *watches and opens a bag of popcorn*

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *hits her again*

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: i feel like i should interveen, but i am way to lazy to. "*eats more popcorn*

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *contemplates whether to change weapons*

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: ues one of those nine tail whip thingys.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: good enough
*grabs one of the nine tail whips and hits her again*
i wonder if orochimaru minds me doing this

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: well, you are the supreme ruler, so...does it particularly matter?

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i guess not

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: well, than theres your anwser.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: point point but i feel bad taking his job

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: ah well, some things cant be helped.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes..well im done with her

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: and now we wait for Orochimaru-sama to hand down his judgement as well.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thats right

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: <img:mood6-gif.gif><img:mood6-gif.gif><img:mood6-gif.gif><img:mood6-gif.gif>

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: u dont mean that

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: i didnt beat you for fun.

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: u just watched

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: you didnt i know that

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: same thing

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: meow *curls up on a bed and falls asleeps*

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: *confused and eats the last of the popcorn*

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *sleeps*

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: O_O

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: wateva

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: weirdness

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: weirness?

2007-10-29 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *pushes zelvrlilly2525 out a windown and then returns to Orochimaru's bed* meow

2007-10-29 [zelvrlilly2525]: to his bed what the hell

*why was i not invited?*

2007-10-29 [A work in progress]: O_O *Walks away slowly* and this is the part where i go...and now for a commercial break

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: lol very funny

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: and now we return from the commercial break

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: great lets get back to the action

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: right, now where were we?

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i dont know and u werent invited cause....he's mine....*snuggles with the chain whip* come any closer and this will connect with your back

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: *shakes head and picks up remmington 10 gauge elmer fudd style*

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: u like guns dont ya
they're neat
but im really into swords

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: yeah, guns are cool, but i dig bows and arrows.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: those are amazing but they seem so hard to aim

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: not if ya take lessons. they are hard to control if you have one with a draw weight thats to high for you though. i shoot a thirty to fourty pound. my friend can shoot a 75 lbs draw back.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: wow....i am officially amazed and it takes alot for me to be amazed

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: cool, i think.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: amazed cool all the same thing really

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: yeah.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i knows

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: and nox, back to another commercial break.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: why........i havent done anything....disturbing

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: i know, but ruling the world cost money, and commercials pay!

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: your right...wait..then we need someone in charge of those

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: yep, now to find someone to fill that role.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea..ive been trying to recruit people but alas not working

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: yeah. well, the only thing to do is run a recruiting drive

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: now how to go about that

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: also need a research technicain, someone who can look up ways to generate interest.

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Yes

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: well, if tis okay, than i shall also opt to be your mechanic and research technitian, at least temproarily.

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: <img:mood8-gif.gif><img:mood8-gif.gif>

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: what. the roles of leadership need to be filled temporarily, so that way, people know who to respect, and we offer promotion up. thats how we generate interest, by offering a chance for promotion, and finding pics to represent the position that they hold to put on thier page, signafying them as imporatant peoples!

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yep

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: hey supreme ruler-sama, may i sugest that you put this picture on your page to signify you are the leader?

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea i'll do that

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *curls up*

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: <img:cr-gif.gif><img:mood21-gif.gif><img:mood7-gif.gif>
you havent punished me yet today

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i did orochimaru hasnt ill remind him

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: i just reminded him

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: good

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: okay

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: he logged out jerk!

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: man that sucks

I want to be punished

2007-10-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yea

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: O_O

2007-10-30 [zelvrlilly2525]: PUNISH ME DAMNIT

2007-10-30 [A work in progress]: O_O

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: no...that shall be ur punishment seeing as u want it so bad......ha...

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: wow, that's hullarious.

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: well she wants to be punished so no more for her

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: thats a good punishment

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: it is

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: woosh. applepie is good

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i like banana cream pie more

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: banana cream pie is good to!

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yes yes it is

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: *whee bananas*

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *kicks her off a cliff*

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: O_O *helps zelvrililly back up the cliff*

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *kicks both off* dont do that

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: hey, she's my daughter now. and besides, your doing me a favor by kicking me off a cliff anyways.! *falls down and dies*

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: daughter? *shivers at the thought*

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: yah leave my dad alone *oops i forgot im dead*

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: yay dead!

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *shakes head*

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: *monkey poo is on your facec!*

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: *drops a huge boulder* u shouldnt be talking

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: o_O and now to qoute GIR "Awww....But I wanted to esplode!"

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: GIR is amazing u can come back to life if ya want not zelvrlilly though she cant

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: *blasfirmere is always hated*<img:mood21-gif.gif>

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: o_o????

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: yep

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: but you cant kill off your general though. who else is going to do generally type things?

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: orochimaru im sure he wont mind

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: but i mean -generally type things, like going...wooosh obey my commands, if the second in command does it, than that leaves you open, for him to mass the troops and attack, (not saying that he would, its just better to be safe) but if you have a general to do it, they would have to sill go through him, its a self preservation consept.

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: fine i guess she can live....

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: there you go.

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: *thank you your grace*<img:dand-gif.gif><img:mood10_gif.gif>

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: there, now were a functiong power again

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: yes we are

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: ok

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: and now, i am about to go make a huge fire. if i die, can have my elfpack acount.

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: neat

2007-10-31 [Ritsuka-Kun]: WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
DONT DIE!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-10-31 [zelvrlilly2525]: yah dont die

2007-10-31 [A work in progress]: alas, the fire went out, and my turnout gear protected me from the fire, or at least from when the gasoline ignited.

2007-10-31 [Orochimaru]: ...pity. i was hungry.

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: canabalisim. ya know, cause i could go out and start another fire, without my turnout gear on ya know?

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: canabalism *wtf*

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: who knows?

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: YEAH WHO KNOWS

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: wee. candeh

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: you spelt candy wrong

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: awe cute

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: i know i spelled it wrong, i did it on purpose. its teh candeh time

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: neat way of spelling it

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: yers.!

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: She will just have to get over it

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: thats what most of us have to do

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i guess unless she decides that she is going to keep bringing it up...i'll just have to ignore her

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: indeed

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: so whats up

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: preparing for a firefighter test

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: cool

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: yes! whats up with you?

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: trying to find something to pretty much almost done with my work oh and i am the happiest person alive!
i get my first check today

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: sounds awesome.

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i know....3 weeks of almost utmost boredom does kinda pay off

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: what do you do?

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: im stock shelves in apparel and when done with that i do returns in apparel...i work relatively quickly so about 2 hours before i have to clock out i have nothing to do but stand around and talk to my friend karen

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: hmm...infeltresting. sounds good. sounds good.

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: it is i work with nice people

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: lucky!

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: i know my last job most of the people hated me

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: yeah. be thankful you have a good job, you could work in a gas station like i used to.

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: wow i dont know if i would like that

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: probably not. especially when people come into the station at eight in the morning and hand you a hundred dollar bill for a pack of twenty five cent gum

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: happy birthday

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: how annoying and who's birthday is is?

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: YEAH! who's birthday is it? and yeah, its really annoying. but funny, usually i just buy the gum for them.

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: thats nice....

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: its self preservation at work!

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [Anime Lair] JOIN CAUSE'S U CAN

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: O_O

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: its for anime freaks...i wonder how many will heed my command

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: i have no idea

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: sorry i put it out there wrong Anime Lair that should be it unless i did something wrong click it!

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: yeah, nothing happened when i clicked on teh linky

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: that should be the right one

2007-11-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Anime Lair now it should work

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: it worked

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: *yeah anime*

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: and now...pies and cookies for all

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: My name is Kota,
I am three,
My eyes are swollen
I cannot see,
I must be stupid
I must be bad,
What else could have made
My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better
I wish I werent ugly,
Then maybe my mommy
Would still want to hug me.
I cant do a wrong
I cant speak at all
Or else im locked up
All day long.
When im awake im all alone
The house is dark
My folks arent home
When my mommy does come home
I'll try and be nice,
So maybe ill just get
One whipping tonight.
I just heard a car
My daddy is back
From Chariles bar.
I hear him curse
My name is called
I press myself
Against the wall
I try to hide
From his evil eyes
Im so afraid now
I'm starting to cry
He finds me weeping
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault
He suffers at work.
He slaps and hits me
And yells at me more,
I finally get free
And run to the door
Hes already locked it
And i start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me
Against the hard wall
I fall to the floor
With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues
With more bad words spoken,
"Im sorry!", I scream
But its now much to late
His face has been twisted
Into a unimaginable shape
The hurt and the pain
Again and again
O please God, have mercy!
O please let it end!
And he finally stops
And heads for the door
While i lay there motionless
Brawled on the floor
My name is Kota
I am three,
Tonight my daddy
Murdered me
And you can help
Sickens me to the soul,
And if you read this
and dont pass it on
I pray for your forgivness
Beause you would have to be
One heartless person
To not be affected
By this Poem
And because you are affected,
Do something about it!
So all i ask you to do
Is pass this on!

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: Hey that looks familiar

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: yes it doez

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: *chuckles*

2007-11-01 [zelvrlilly2525]: *hehehehe*

2007-11-01 [A work in progress]: my pocket itches.

2007-11-02 [zelvrlilly2525]: why?

2007-11-02 [A work in progress]: i have no idea. and my finger hurts from last night

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